Monday, March 20, 2006

Bush's Lies

"And a victory in Iraq will make this country more secure and will help lay the foundation of peace for generations to come," he told reporters.

No it won't. It continues to be beyond me as to why no one can get this! America can't do that for them, they have to do that for themselves. The natural tendency of democracy and capitalism is to create a selfish desire for more. If the Iraqi's want freedom, its their responsibility to go and get it. Foreign nations should only intervene only as the final push for success. To see this in action, look at America's Revolution. The American people started it and only enlisted foreign help when we need the last push to get over the hump (The French came). The French people created their own freedom in 1789 and 1793 through self-revolt. Apparently, history means nothing to the man running our country...afterall he is an Ivy Leaguer...he is brilliant right? Right?

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